
06/20/24 - Glass breaking noise

Heeey. It's been a while. I've made some few more tunes, but not much finished ones. My best friend Nunu told me I should release my stuff as an album, like a month ago I think. Took me lotsa time to think bout it but finally after almost 2 months I decided to create my dumbass bandcamp account and start my own project named Jaynoesque, the name being a word Nunu made for me. I don't really know what genre I'm doing but it's definitely something noisy and maybe harsh ... plus so much synths. I don't have that much confidence with the stuff I do but I'm still goin for it coz I dunno, I'm bored, and I have nothing to do during this school break.

Still workin on the "album" though, I have so much unfinished tracks I'm planning to add there and I haven't thought of an album artwork, it's fun knowing I'm incharge of everything especially the arts and 'aesthetic'. I also don't know what visual style I'm going for but I want it to be eye hurting and colourful I guess. Anyway, here's one of the tracks from the album (or maybe just an EP I dunno.)

Purple's my least favourite colour

02/03/24 - Experiment

My last entry here isn't really the type of music I actually make .. so here's some recent tune I made that actually sounds like something I'd make— because I did make it.

This is like my first time sampling something and using loops that I didn't make, I sampled Forest of Winter Coffin

If yer wanna listen to it here you go, also lower your volume.
Jimmy's Raging in his Winter Coffin

Uhm. Not really the best but I tried and I kinda like it, and it's my first time anyway. Ok thank you

20/02/24 - Attempts

I did some pathetic attempts at creating like, music, with """percussions""" and such, and also actually making it sound more interesting. All I have is an acoustic guitar, a container with beads in it, and a toy egg full of beads too. Also bandlab. I think you can tell I'm not so musically creative nor rich enough to afford an electric guitar and a drum kit.

Enough the blabbering, here's the first one I made, it's from yesterday; titled June 29th Listen to it here

This was some old lyrics I wrote back then, I don't really remember what's the meaning behind it since I wrote this at like 4:30 am and was extremely tired. I'm thinking this is about me planning to kill myself on the day I was born— but don't take that too seriously.

Second here, I just made this an hour ago, was using old writings again. It's stupid, and the first one I did yesterday sounds more better than this, but that's okay I guess coz I really didn't know what to do here, unlike the first one.